
What Are Types?

Table of Contents

Computational Type Theory

Robert Constable, in his article “Computational Type Theory” (Constable 2009):

Computational type theory [CTT] answers questions such as: What is a type? What is a natural number? How do we compute with types? How are types related to sets? How are data types for numbers, lists, trees, graphs, etc. related to the corresponding notions in mathematics? Do paradoxes arise in formulating a theory of types as they do in formulating a theory of sets?

The first question is decisive for CTT’s answers to the all the rest, and it is the focus of this section. We would like to articulate what a type is from the perspective of “type theory” in general, but we begin by looking at CTT in particular.

In formulating his account of types (for a popular audience), Constable drives the question “what is a type?” back to the question “what is a term?”:

What is a type? To answer this question, we must first be more precise about computation; we will see that the notion of a type is ultimately grounded in computation, specifically in concrete linguistic expressions because computation in the physical world is ultimately symbolic. We are only interested in computation that is physically realizable by explicit, verifiable human actions and by machines that humans understand. Thus to explain types, we first need to explain terms and how to compute with them.

(Constable 2009)

Let us fix some set of terms (symbols), \(T\), and an operational semantics, telling us how to compute certain elements \(t_1, ..., t_n \in T\) from other elements \(t'_1, ..., t'_n \in T\), via the relation \(\to\), such that \(t' \to t\) reads “\(t'\) reduces to \(t\)”. We say a term in \(T\) is “irreducible” if it is only reducible to itself: \(t \to t\). Such a term is called “canonical”. That this sets up a (partial) ordering over a set of signs.1

We might expect that more complex signs reduce to simpler ones, and this is often the case, but we haven’t actually placed any constraint that enforces this kind converge upon atomic elements. The canonical signs serve as points of rest, in our system, but there is no requirement enrcing in the sense that they cannot be further reduced to simpler components.

Having established such a system of signs, we define types over the canonical elements by delimiting collections of terms that belong together, and stipulating how to determine if any two terms in such a collection are to taken as equal:

To define a type we specify a collection of canonical terms which are the canonical elements of the type, and we define an equality relation declaring when two canonical terms denote the same abstract object. The equality relation creates abstract objects out of terms.

(Constable 2009)

Note that these types presuppose the construction of ideal (abstract) objects, on the basis of positing equality between concrete objects: “The equality relation creates abstract objects out of terms.”. Existence precedes essence, and essence is “created” through acts of gathering (terms that belong together) and equalization (of terms that are taken to be the same).

A Short Genealogy of Types

The roots of type theories, computational or otherwise, extend back through the history of philosophy, at least to Aristotle (Constable 2009).

Prehistory of the Theories of Types

In all subsumptions of an object under a concept the representations of the former must be homogeneous [Gleichartig] with the latter, i.e., the concept must contain that which is represented in the object that is to be subsumed under it, for that is just what is meant by the expression “an object is contained under a concept”.

(Kant 1998, A137/B176 ))

Dawn of the Theories of Types

Martin-Löf’s, in his “An intuitionistic theory of types”, explicitly traces his concept of type back to Russel:

Every mathematical object is of a certain kind or type. Better, a mathematical object is always given together with its type, that is, it is not just an object, it is an object of a certain type. This may be regarded as a simpler and at the same time more general formulation of Russel’s 1903 doctrine of types, according to which a type is the range of significance of a propositional function, because in the theory that I am about to describe every propositional function will indeed have a type as its domain.

(Martin-Löf 1998)

Russell’s theory of types puts the concept of a propositional function under the concept of a general proposition (“under” here meaning “conceptually prior to”).

Every proposition containing ’all’ asserts that some propositional function is always true; and this means that all values of the said function are true

Then the meaning of quantification is subordinate to the range of valid values of a function.

Hence we can speak of all of a collection when and only when the collection forms part or the whole of the range of significance of some propositional function, the range of significance being defined as the collection of those arguments for which the function in question is significant, i. e., has a value. (Russell 1908)

Hence, “a type is defined as the range of significance of a propositional function, i.e., as the collection of arguments for which the said function has values” (Russell 1908).

But what determines the validity of this range? Russell names it “logical homogeneity”:

What is essential, as appears from the above discussion, is not finitude, but what may be called logical homogeneity. This property is to belong to any collection whose terms are all contained within the range of significance of some one function. It would always be obvious at a glanice whether a collection possessed this property or not, if it were not for the concealed ambiguity in common logical terms such as true and false, which gives an appearance of being a single function to what is really a conglomeration of many functions with different ranges of significance.

(Russell 1908)

Logical homogeneity is a property of collections of terms. A collection of terms has this property when all the terms are “contained within the range of significance of some one function”. A “type” is then a special case of a logically homogenius collection of terms: a logically homogenius collection of terms whose characteristic function is propositional is a type.

Of course, this all leaves undecided the really essential and most interesting question: How is the homogeneity of such collections determined and enforced? By virtue of what can we say that the terms in such a collection belong together? And, once we’ve determined that belonging together, how do we enforce this?

Metaphysical Foundations of the Computational Theory of Types

TODO Equality

TODO Belonging together

The types of the typed λ-calculi are marks, or indexes, used to enforce a sense of appropriateness that follows from presumptions of belonging together.

This is indeed how types function in the calculi when represented ala Church. The types mark the λ-terms themselves, being inscribed into each head. These marks serve as a prophylactic protecting against unwanted applications. This usage echos the etymon of ’type’:

late 15c., “symbol, emblem,” from Latin typus “figure, image, form, kind,” from Greek typos “a blow, dent, impression, mark, effect of a blow; figure in relief, image, statue; anything wrought of metal or stone; general form, character; outline, sketch,” from root of typtein “to strike, beat,” from PIE *tup-, variant of root *(s)teu- (1) “to push, stick, knock, beat” (etymonline)


What justifies such enforcement?

Types as Theories

In Types as Theories, Goguen denies that “type theory” advances a general theory of types, in arguing instead that it presents a theory based on a specific, limited notion of “type”:

In the “types as predicates” variant of the “types as sets” approach, types are taken to be predicates, which therefore denote sets (or some variant thereof, such as domains). However, many advocates of this view are more proof theoretically inclined, and hence might resist such denotations. Perhaps the best known work along this line is Martin-Löf’s “type theory”, which also provides dependent types, as implemented in Pebble and other languages. (Note that “type theory” is not a general theory of types, but rather a specific intuitionistic logic which provides one specific notion of type).

(Programming and Goguen 1991)

Goguen counters the “types as predicates” view with another interpretation, which he calls “types as theories” or “types as algebras”:

The essential insight of the “types as algebras” notion is that the operations associated with data are at least as important as the values. Thus, the this approach generalized from [types as] sets to algebras, which are just sets with some given operations.

(Programming and Goguen 1991)

Let’s lean on the proof-theory side of types-as-propositions and recall (what I believe to be) a key insight of Gentzen’s approach:

To every logical symbol … belongs precisely one inference figure which ’introduces’ the symbol - as the terminal symbol of a formula - and one which ’eliminates’ it. … The introductions represent, as it were, the ’definitions’ of the symbols concerned, and the eliminations are no more than, in the final analysis, than the consequences of these definitions. This fact may be expressed as follows: In eliminating a symbol, we may use the formula with whose terminal symbol we are dealing only ’in the sense afforded by the introduction of that symbol’.

(edited by M. E. Szabo 1969)

That is, the meaning of the logical connectives (i.e., the correspondents of the principle types in the various type theories) is given by their introduction and elimination rules. From the Curry perspective on typing, I think we can say that the intro/elim rules are (partial) operations on the sets of derivations in the lambda calculus (since a set of derivations is a set of programs, which is a set of proofs, which is the meaning of a proposition according to the perspective of proof-theoretic semantics). If this is correct, I think we have a perspective from which we can say that the meaning of the types in our systems are indeed given by the operations belonging to each type (i.e., the particular sets of operations which carve out patterns of permitted connections within the sets of derivations of the lambda calculus).



We sketch out the barest form of a term-rewriting system here, to sidestep the complications introduced by the usual pratice of using the lambda calculus in particular. There’s good reason to favor typed lambda calculi (thanks to Callan McGill for explaining this reason to me, when I asked, very naively, “Why use lambda calculus instead of some other rewrite system?”), but they’re not important for the quite rudimentary level of understanding I’m aiming for here.