

Erotetics or erotetic logic is a part of logic, devoted to logical analysis of questions. It is sometimes called the logic of questions and answers. (wikipedia)

In general, anyone who receives instruction in logic learns about propositional logic, even when studying syllogistics or predicate calculus, we are generally only taught the logic of judgments. Even our subjective logic is one-sided!

In particular, Martin-Löf’s type theory is a formalization of the logic of judgments. What is a formalization of the logic questions?

How do assertoric/erotertic logics (both subjective) correlate over an objective logic?

TODO Notes to process

Logic of Inquiry

Formal Ontology of Questions

There seems to be a formal ontology of questions…

“Atomic” questions
  • What is X
  • Why is x
Compound questions

What is it to be X through YZ?

  • What is it to be X?
    • What is X?
    • What is it to be?
  • What is YZ?
    • What is Y?
    • What is Z?


  • Are questions duals of answers?
    • What is an answer? An answer is a proposition. Must it always be?
    • What is a question?
    • What is duality?
  • Are there questions without answers?
    • corr: are there propositions that cannot be answered?


  • The construction of a proposition is a rpoof.
  • What is the construction of a question?
  • What is the deconstruction of a question?
  • A question as a negative image of a proof.

Type theory

Martin-Löf’s type theory is a formalization of the logic of judgments. What is a formalization of the logic questions?

TODO To Research

Note to self: See Readings/Logic/Erotetics for some downloaded material.