
error (n.) also, through 18c., errour; c. 1300, “a deviation from truth made through ignorance or inadvertence, a mistake,” also “offense against morality or justice; transgression, wrong-doing, sin;” from Old French error “mistake, flaw, defect, heresy,” from Latin errorem (nominative error) “a wandering, straying, a going astray; meandering; doubt, uncertainty;” also “a figurative going astray, mistake,” from errare “to wander; to err” (see err). From early 14c. as “state of believing or practicing what is false or heretical; false opinion or belief, heresy.” From late 14c. as “deviation from what is normal; abnormality, aberration.” From 1726 as “difference between observed value and true value.”

Words for “error” in most Indo-European languages originally meant “wander, go astray” (for example Greek plane in the New Testament, Old Norse villa, Lithuanian klaida, Sanskrit bhrama-), but Irish has dearmad “error,” from dermat “a forgetting.”


Self correcting software

Internal errors should trigger patch and update process

  • Can search commit history for same traceback errors, then propose to user updating to a version including that commit.
  • Internal errors automatically search for and then file issues (an extensible API for this, which can be specialized for the service – Jira, GitLab, GitHub – etc.