
Notes on Valiant’s A Theory of the Learnable

Valiant, L. G., A theory of the learnable, Communications of the ACM, 27(11), 1134–1142 (1984).


“this paper attempts to explore the limits of what is learnable as allowed by algorithmic complexity (1138)”

Valiant proposes a “precise model … for modeling the commonplace phenomenon of [learning]” and aims to make possible a “learnability theory” on par with “computability theory” (1134).

“The results of learnability theory would then indicate the maximum granularity of the single concepts that can be acquired without programming. (1136)”


The class of learnable “concepts” is severely circumscribed.
Demonstrates some classes of “concepts” learnable in polynomial time.

Historical Relevance

Theoretical relevance

Generally helped initiate “Computational Learning Theory”

Generally, it has been credited with inaugurating the field of computational learning theory (Wigderson 2009). Computational learning theory studies the “design and analysis of machine learning algorithms”. Philosophically, it also seems to be a computational theory of learning.

Compared with “statistical learning theory”

This appears to be one of the two main theoretical frameworks used to inform practical developments in machine learning. The other is statistical learning theory.

Computational learning, more concretely the probably approximately correct (PAC) framework, answers questions like: how many training examples are needed for a learner to learn with high probability a good hypothesis? how much computational effort do I need to learn with high probability such hypothesis? It does not deal with the concrete classifier you are working with. It is about what you can and cannot learn with some samples at hand.

In statistical learning theory you rather answer questions of the sort: how many training samples will the classifier misclassify before it has converged to a good hypothesis? i.e. how hard is it to train a classifier, and what warranties do I have on its performance. (SO Answer)

In particular, it introduced PAC

This paper introduced “Probably Approximately Correct learning” (PAC learning). PAC is one of the principle approaches to computational learning theory. In PAC,

the learner receives samples and must select a generalization function (called the hypothesis) from a certain class of possible functions. The goal is that, with high probability (the “probably” part), the selected function will have low generalization error (the “approximately correct” part). The learner must be able to learn the concept given any arbitrary approximation ratio, probability of success, or distribution of the samples. (wikipedia)

PAC is credited with introduction concepts concerning computational complexity into machine learning, with its focus on learners finding efficient procedures.

Other approaches to computational learning theory
  • Exact learning, proposed by Dana Angluin;
  • VC theory, proposed by Vladimir Vapnik and Alexey Chervonenkis;
  • Bayesian inference;
  • Algorithmic learning theory, from the work of E. Mark Gold;
  • Online machine learning, from the work of Nick Littlestone.


Practical relevance

Foundations of boosting which is “a general method for improving the accuracy of any given learning algorithm” (Schapire).


So we are looking at (one pillar of) the theoretical foundations of machine learning, which has also had some important practical import.


  1. Defines learning as “the process of deducing a [reasonably efficient] program for performing a task from information that does not provide an explicit description of such a program” (1142).
  2. Narrowly constrain the tasks to “recognizing whether a concept (or predicate) is true or not for given data” – within certain probabilistic bounds.
    1. To learn Q means to deduce a program which can say whether Q is true of some given data.
    2. Bounds: “never outputs [ True ] when it should not, but outputs [ True ] almost always when it should”.
  3. Defines a learning machine: learning protocol * deduction procedure
    1. learning protocol acquires tagged input
    2. deduction procedure produces a program for recognizing data
    3. learning machine : data -> programs
  4. Specifies a learning protocol for boolean functions
  5. Specifies learnability of programs that identify boolean functions given boolean variables as inputs.
    1. So our ourt learning machine: data = boolean variables & program = “concept recognizer”
  6. Presents the probabilistic criteria used to measure success of programs.
  7. Shows how to deduce three kinds of programs: (bounded) CNF, DNF, and “mu-expressions” (seem to be mixed conjunctions and disjunctions?).
  8. Offers concluding Remarks


Normal forms

(See Wikipedia on CNV and DNV)

Used in automated theorem proving.

CNF (Conjunctive Normal Form)

“an AND of ORs

E.g., \[ (A\lor \neg B\lor \neg C)\land (\neg D\lor E\lor F) \]

DNF (Disjunctive Normal Form)

“an OR of ANDs

E.g., \[ (A\land \neg B\land \neg C)\lor (\neg D\land E\land F) \]

Additionally “A DNF formula is in full disjunctive normal form if each of its variables appears exactly once in every conjunction”

Bernoulli trial

Bernoulli trial (or binomial trial) is a random experiment with exactly two possible outcomes, “success” and “failure”, in which the probability of success is the same every time the experiment is conducted (wikipedia)


Wigderson, Avi. 2009. β€œThe Work of Leslie Valiant.” In Proceedings of the 41st Annual Acm Symposium on Symposium on Theory of Computing - Stoc ’09, nil.