
Day 8: Unsure

The counterpart of abstraction is application.

(Nederpelt and Geuvers 2014)

I must not neglect application: I cannot abide theory without praxis. And yet, a properly critical theory should be praxis and application is impossible without antecedent abstraction. I must keep this tension and problematic in mind, without letting the lust for palpable production undermine my intention to cultivate theoretical foundations. Counterparts are clearly not contraries.

Today’s Progress


Simplified Themis ABT library

Abstract Binding Trees (ABTs) extend abstract syntax trees (ASTs) with logic to handle variable binding. The motivation is as follows: Nearly every interesting programming language has some concept of a variable which can be bound and substituted out. Rather than reimplimenting binding and substitution logic for every language we implement, we should be able to implement this logic once, and reuse that in all of our languages. Thus, the ABT abstract data type gives tools for forming an abstract syntax for representing the structure of our language that includes a readymade mechanism for dealing with variables.

See Neel Krishnaswami’s post on the subject for more details, including notes on the history of the technique and an example implementation.

I have been developing a little ABT library as a side effect of my lambda calculi implementations in themis. Prior to today, the ABT library was leaking some abstraction into the representation of the syntax generated for a particular language, requiring the user (me) to check and deal with values which were only needed internally. I plugged that abstraction leak in commit/960dc6d314041838a2ae2c6165ae9db48258a7db.


I finished adding type checking and term finding to the implementing of λ⟶ in themis with commit/d06be73862b9d0f4eabb57c102b312fe0cfb323e . The API for the Check module is as follows:

module Check : sig
  (** Check and infer various properties *)

  val infer_type : Derivation.Ctx.t -> Term.t -> Type.t option
  (** [infer_type ctx term] is [Some type] if [type] can be derived for the
      [term] in the given [ctx]. Otherwise, it is [None]. *)

  val infer_term : Derivation.Ctx.t -> Type.t -> Derivation.judgment option
  (** [infer_term ctx type] is [Some term] if [term] can be synthesized to
      inhabit the [type] in the given [ctx]. Otherwise, it is [None]. *)

  val typing : Derivation.judgment -> bool
  (** [typing j] is [true] if a derivation can be found proving the judgment [j].*)

  val well_typed : ?ctx:Derivation.Ctx.t -> Term.t -> Derivation.t option
  (** [well_typed term] is [Some derivation] if a type can inferred for [term]
      and a [derivation] can be built demonstrating that the [term] has that
      type in the given [ctx].

      [ctx] defaults to an empty context. *)
end = struct

It’s not really a reliable implementation of these checks, because I haven’t rigged up the property based tests to “verify” correctness. But I’ve manually checked that they yield the expected results on select terms in the interpreter and, most importantly, I feel pretty confident in my understanding of these algorithms. I’m going to postpone tests for their correctness for the sake of moving on to the implementation of λ2 tomorrow.

I also finished reading Chapter 2 of (Nederpelt and Geuvers 2014), whence I took my instruction on the implementation of the above. I’m getting started with Chapter 3 tonight.

Tomorrow’s Program


Begin implementing λ2

I think I’ve learned some lessons from my implementations of λ and λ⟶, and there are some things I want to do differently as I dig in to λ2 to improve and expedite the process:

  • Define the parser and pretty printer first
  • Write all unit tests using the parser and pretty printer (property based tests should still generate terms via manipulation of the ABT)
  • Don’t get distracted by premature generalization of the framework and tooling around the language implementation, just drive forward with the implementation. After it is done, I’ll refactor out common elements with the other implementations.

Finish Chapter 2 of (Nederpelt and Geuvers 2014)


Nederpelt, Rob P., and Herman Geuvers. 2014. Type Theory and Formal Proof: An Introduction. Cambridge University Press.