
Day 23: Fuzzy

Feeling fuzzy today. Posting any how, just to keep up the ritual.

Today’s Progress


  • Nice coffee chat, discussed community and music making.
  • Delightful and thought provoking non-technical talks.


More time documenting and testing Alg. It’s been a quite involved process. A lot of the time has been devoted to developing a nice abstraction for the testing harness, which will hopefully expedite completion on the rest of the library.

I’ve made two decisions in the implementation that I’m fairly pleased with for the moment.

First, each specification of an algebraic structure includes a module called Law that defines predicates expressing the laws that should hold for implementations of that structure. E.g., here is the signature for the Law module for Functor

(** [Law] notes the laws that should be obeyed by any instantiation of
    {{!module-type:S} Functor} in the form of predicates that should be true
    for any arguments of the appropriate type.

    You can use {!module:Alg_qcheck.Functor} to generate property based tests of
    these laws for new modules satisfying this interface.

    @param F An implementation of a {{!module-type: S} Functor} *)
module Law (F : S) (** *) : sig

  (** [identity x]: [ x = x] *)
  val identity : 'a F.t -> bool

  (** [composition f g x]: [ ~f:(f % g) x = ( ~f % ~f:g) x]

      where [%] is composition. *)
  val composition : ('a -> 'b) -> ('c -> 'a) -> 'c F.t -> bool

This is generating decent documentation that is quite tightly coupled with the code. It also gives the user predicates they can use for testing their implementations in ad hoc ways.

Second, I have been building out an auxiliary library Alg_qcheck that generates QCheck property based tests of all a structure’s laws.

Here is what it looks like when using the library to generate tests for some implementations of Functor (note that the user has to supply a module that includes the functor implementation together with a way of getting an arbitrary value of that functor):

let functor_laws =
  let open Alg_qcheck.Functor in
    suite "Functor Laws for Option"
      (test (module struct
         include Alg.Functor.Option
         let arbitrary = option

    suite "Functor Laws for List"
      (test (module struct
         include Alg.Functor.List
         let arbitrary = list

    suite "Functor Laws for Array"
      (test (module struct
         include Alg.Functor.Array
         let arbitrary = array

And the output of the tests:

[OK]                Functor Laws for Option              0   Functor: Identity - [map id = id] for int.
[OK]                Functor Laws for Option              1   Functor: Identity - [map id = id] for int list.
[OK]                Functor Laws for Option              2   Functor: Composition - [map (f . g) = (map f) . (map g)] for int.
[OK]                Functor Laws for Option              3   Functor: Composition - [map (f . g) = (map f) . (map g)] for int list.
[OK]                Functor Laws for List                0   Functor: Identity - [map id = id] for int.
[OK]                Functor Laws for List                1   Functor: Identity - [map id = id] for int list.
[OK]                Functor Laws for List                2   Functor: Composition - [map (f . g) = (map f) . (map g)] for int.
[OK]                Functor Laws for List                3   Functor: Composition - [map (f . g) = (map f) . (map g)] for int list.
[OK]                Functor Laws for Array               0   Functor: Identity - [map id = id] for int.
[OK]                Functor Laws for Array               1   Functor: Identity - [map id = id] for int list.
[OK]                Functor Laws for Array               2   Functor: Composition - [map (f . g) = (map f) . (map g)] for int.
[OK]                Functor Laws for Array               3   Functor: Composition - [map (f . g) = (map f) . (map g)] for int list.

Tomorrow’s Program


Finish up documenting and testing [Alg], hopefully open a PR to publish the package in the opam repository.